Looking back at our year 2021

25. January 2022
Looking back at our year 2021
CEO Eurocom
Anita Wilson

For the English version, please, click here.

"In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or step back into safety."

Abraham Maslow

Somehow it seems like this year has gone by really fast. Do you feel the same way? Hasn't summer just passed when we told each other about our first vacations where everything felt kind of "normal" again. And now it's year-end?

This year was challenging for all of us in many respects. However, that's not what we want to write about today. Instead, we want to look back at our successes and focus on those aspects where we have dared to precisely take this step away from safety towards change and growth.

One of the biggest projects was the comprehensive overhaul of our corporate design. You have probably already noticed that you are reading this message on a completely redesigned website. It was time to give our appearance a fresher look. At the same time, we put the spotlight on our new product platform Kalcium and gave it, as well as all our other products, a new logo.

A lot has also happened on the product and service side. To name just a few examples: Kalcium Quickterm and Checkterm have been enhanced with many useful features as well as hosting options in multiple cloud variants. Our Language Managed Services, especially Global SEO and Terminology, are already proving to be irreplaceable for numerous clients!

Our Language Services delivered a record number of projects in 2021. At the time of going to press, our dedicated team has completed 5,300 projects (the majority of them in multiple languages). Behind each of these projects are countless contacts with the clients, translators, DTP managers, …

All this is only made possible with well-rehearsed processes, and so in October we once again passed the ISO 9001 and 17100 recertification with flying colors.

In addition, we are continuously expanding our range of machine translation solutions, managed services, etc. for you. As you can see, growth is the driver for us to keep improving. That much is certain!

None of this would be possible without our fantastic team. This year more than ever, every single member has impressed us. Even in such challenging times, they attach the greatest importance to teamwork, service orientation, and motivation. A very heartfelt thank you at this point!

And none of this would be possible without you. We would therefore like to thank all our clients, translators, and partner companies. In the new year, we will continue to pursue our philosophy of partnership in all our business relationships. Because in virtual times, nothing is more important than the human factor. And who knows: perhaps we will see each other in 2022 at a face-to-face event? We would be delighted!

On behalf of the entire team, we wish you happy holidays, all the best, and of course good health for the new year.

Anita Wilson & Klaus Fleischmann
CEOs of Kaleidoscope and eurocom Translation Services GmbH

As has already become a tradition, we are donating the amount earmarked for Christmas gifts this year as well. We support the work of "Kiwanis", who take care of children in need, as well as "Art for Children".

Looking back at our year 2021

"In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or step back into safety."

Abraham Maslow

Somehow it seems like this year has gone by really fast. Do you feel the same way? Hasn't summer just passed when we told each other about our first vacations where everything felt kind of "normal" again. And now it's year-end?

This year was challenging for all of us in many respects. However, that's not what we want to write about today. Instead, we want to look back at our successes and focus on those aspects where we have dared to precisely take this step away from safety towards change and growth.

One of the biggest projects was the comprehensive overhaul of our corporate design. You have probably already noticed that you are reading this message on a completely redesigned website. It was time to give our appearance a fresher look. At the same time, we put the spotlight on our new product platform Kalcium and gave it, as well as all our other products, a new logo.

A lot has also happened on the product and service side. To name just a few examples: Kalcium Quickterm and Checkterm have been enhanced with many useful features as well as hosting options in multiple cloud variants. Our Language Managed Services, especially Global SEO and Terminology, are already proving to be irreplaceable for numerous clients!

Our Language Services delivered a record number of projects in 2021. At the time of going to press, our dedicated team has completed 5,300 projects (the majority of them in multiple languages). Behind each of these projects are countless contacts with the clients, translators, DTP managers, …

All this is only made possible with well-rehearsed processes, and so in October we once again passed the ISO 9001 and 17100 recertification with flying colors.

In addition, we are continuously expanding our range of machine translation solutions, managed services, etc. for you. As you can see, growth is the driver for us to keep improving. That much is certain!

None of this would be possible without our fantastic team. This year more than ever, every single member has impressed us. Even in such challenging times, they attach the greatest importance to teamwork, service orientation, and motivation. A very heartfelt thank you at this point!

And none of this would be possible without you. We would therefore like to thank all our customers, translators, and partner companies. In the new year, we will continue to pursue our philosophy of partnership in all our business relationships. Because in virtual times, nothing is more important than the human factor. And who knows: perhaps we will see each other in 2022 at a face-to-face event? We would be delighted!

On behalf of the entire team, we wish you happy holidays, all the best, and of course good health for the new year.

Anita Wilson & Klaus Fleischmann
CEOs of Kaleidoscope and eurocom Translation Services GmbH


As has already become a tradition, we are donating the amount earmarked for Christmas gifts this year as well. We support the work of "Kiwanis", who take care of children in need, as well as "Art for Children".


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