Klaus Fleischmann elected to the Elia board of directors

11. August 2022
Klaus Fleischmann elected to the Elia board of directors

With energy and passion for European translation agencies

Elia, the European non-profit association of language services companies, recently elected a new board of directors. The industry veteran Klaus Fleischmann is the first Austrian on the board of this industry association. One of his goals is to improve communication about the language industry.

Every year, Elia (European Language Industry Association) elects three out of seven new people for the board. This time, an incredible 72% of Elia's full members took part in this election, in which Klaus Fleischmann stood as a candidate for the first time. As CEO of Eurocom, Austria's leading translation agency, and former board member of GALA, the Globalization and Localization Association, he knows the ups and downs of the translation industry both nationally and internationally.

„Our industry is a wonderful place to work in. Apart from being cutting edge, innovative, and essential for global business, it is also characterized by an extremely open exchange and free flow of ideas," Klaus Fleischmann emphasizes. „At the same time, communication about our industry to the public could be better. I will therefore work with energy and passion to increase the professionalism of the translation industry and to further promote this honest and open culture in our industry."

Klaus Fleischmann now on the Elia board

In addition to Klaus Fleischmann, Anu Carnegie-Brown was also newly elected to the board. Alina Birsan successfully stood for re-election. (Click here for the election results.) Together with four other people from the translation industry, this trio will set new impulses.

The newly elected members will officially take their place on the Elia Board on September 28, 2022, just before the Elia „Networking Days" conference in Vilnius.


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